Thursday, January 20, 2022

Covid Angel

 I am writing to you today about the best part of my life from quarantine. It was the second week in our quarantine in February of 2019. There was nothing good about the year. The mandate had just been passed down to close all the schools. People were without there friends and family and all sense of normalcy  was dashed. Even mother nature was attacking our lives with tornadoes and fires all around. I was beginning to fall apart I couldn't find the will to attend my zoom classes or to even wake up. Then I got an email from our local shelter and the picture of a scared little underfed dog from Tennessee. She had been abused, mistreated and abandoned. The shelter owners wanted us to give the dog a home that she could row in while they found a forever home for her. We agreed to take her in and foster her because there was no room in the shelter.

This dog was scared and trembling. I sat with that dog and hand fed her until she was comfortable with people. This dog gave me a reason to get up in the morning and she would sleep on my head and constantly cuddle with me. I called the shelter and put in a application to adopt this dog and Dolly became a full fledged member of the family. 

Dolly has brought so much joy to my life and has been my confidante and my biggest fan since that day. She has even come to school with me and helped bring joy to others peoples lives.

She is my little Covid Angel


  1. The name Dolly is a really cool name.

  2. Sounds like a great addition to the family!

  3. I totally understand where you're coming from. I have a few dogs at home and they for sure helped me get through covid when the lockdown first started.

  4. I have so much respect for this post in its entirety. I love that you saved this animal's life and in return she saved yours. I believe that every animal deserves love and the fact that you gave this beautiful girl another chance at that is amazing, especially in these hard times.

  5. I totally agree that dogs are huge stress relievers. Having 2 little shih tzus running around and keeping you company was one of the main reaons I was able to get through covid.

  6. I am obsessed with this! I also got a quarantine pup! Jamie is here at college with me and he is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I got him in December of 2020 and he was about 8 weeks old at the time. Dogs are truly people's best friend!


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