Thursday, March 3, 2022

Dungeons and Dragons

 I am excited to tell you about the world of Dungeons and Dragons. DND for short. DND is a tabletop RPG which means that it is a role playing game that you sit around a table and play. A role playing game is a game where you act out your characters personality and characteristics. For example in Pokemon you do not get to choose what you say. In DND you have to chose everything you say because it can affect you later on if you say something bad to the wrong person. You also have to create your character and world from scratch. I am going to make blogs later explaining all of these fine details later. For now I just wanted to introduce you to the concept and tell you guys I am starting a campaign on my campus. Which means that I am starting a campaign on my campus. Which means that I am starting a Adventure Quest with a group of players. I can't wait.


  1. I always wonder how you played Dungeons and Dragons. It sounds like it would be fun and kind of confusing at the same time. But I am excited to hear about more details about it in your blog and that you are starting a campaign on campus for it! I will be looking out for more blogs!

  2. I've always wanted to check out dungeons and dragons, I have many friends back home who play it, and they've asked me many times to join them as well. Especially more recently, I've began to look more and more into the game, and my girlfriend is the one who is trying to get me into it as well. It's weird how the game can be so so simple, but also incredibly complex depending on who you play with.

  3. I have never heard about this game before until now but it sounds very intresting.


Dungeons and Dragons

 I am excited to tell you about the world of Dungeons and Dragons. DND for short. DND is a tabletop RPG which means that it is a role playin...