Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Chapter 2 Developing Your Brand

 In Chapter 2 of Essentials of Social Media Marketing it talked about the importance of your image and your personal brand. The text gave a 9 step process to help build your own brand. 

Step 1 is to identify a target audience. I am a Sport Management major so I want my audience to be potential employers. My dream job would be to be an athletic director and help athletes to learn the importance of education for a student athlete. This means that I want to show who I am to educators and school officials as well as sports coaches and sports administrators. 

Step 2 Determine your vision and purpose. As I stated before I want to be a sports administrator and help students to become the best version of themselves both academically and athletically. This is my personal vision of my true self.

Step 3 Determine your values. My values are trust, perseverance, balance, and responsibility. I chose these values because these are the values that make you the best version of yourself. I believe that if you have a balance in your life of fun and following through on your responsibilities then you can be the best version of yourself. However especially for tanagers it isn't the easy road so it takes a strong since of self and perseverance

Step 4 Determine your passions. The text defines passions as what motivates you, and what motivates me would be my school experiences and wanting athletes to avoid the lazy mistakes i made in high school and to get to there full potential.  

Step 5 Determine your goals. I previously stated my goals when I said that I wanted to help athletes to be the best versions of themselves and to meet there potential.  

Step 6 Determine your brand attributes. My brand attributes are to be devoted, openminded, and trustworthy because without a willingness to listen and an ability to be trusted you cant reach anyone on a deeper level.  

Step 7 Determine your strengths and weaknesses. As an example one of my strength is the ability to connect with people and this will help me build a repour with people and help them build a better them. One of my weaknesses is that I am short with people sometimes and I will have to work on my patience. 

Step 8 Determine your competition. My competition will be other teachers and sports administrators who will be vying for the same job as I will be. 

Step 9 Identify yourself in 3 words. I would identify myself as loyal, true, and caring.

This is the breakdown of my personal brand and how I want to be known. Remember that when you are building your own brand one day that the best thing you can be is true to yourself.

1 comment:

  1. I love your comment on how your potential audience is potential clients. Being a Marketing major I didn't even think of this. But will for sure think about it while making my personal blog.


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