Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Let It Snow

 Hey everyone, today is going to be a shorter blog. I am exited to say that we have a snow day in college. I thought my days of getting off class and having fun in the snow were going to be over after highschool. I had always heard horror stories of people having to walk through snow and ice to get to class, but not tomorrow. I have prepared a kit of waters, snacks, and extra blankets incase the power goes out. I also have snow pants and boots along with a winter jacket incase I need to go out for any reason. I hope I get to just stay inside and cuddle up with my girlfriend. We are going to watch heist movies like National Treasure and the Italian Job. 

Good luck everyone and be safe.


  1. The university tends to be pretty good about the power being out. In my time here its only happened once, and I was asleep for it. But I feel the same way, I thought that snow days were going to be a thing of the past.

  2. I was also really scared of the power going out! Glad it didn't. I remember my freshman year when there was so much snow and it was so cold that we had a day and a half off of school. But as soon as it hit 0 degrees without windchill, we were told to "Polar Bear Up" and head back to classes! Whoo!


Dungeons and Dragons

 I am excited to tell you about the world of Dungeons and Dragons. DND for short. DND is a tabletop RPG which means that it is a role playin...